“The skin on my left foot feels raw after standing for a long time. Why?”
When i stand for a long duration I feel my left foot going numb and raw. What could be the reason for this? Someone suggested wearing closed shoes for long can do this to the feet. Could it be a possibility?
18 Answers
The most likely problem is swelling in your foot caused by standing which can then caused tarsal tunnel a nerve problem.
This is not something that we see just from wearing shoes. You have developed athletes foot, or even a different type of dermatitis. I would recommend being seen by a board certified podiatrist
I would consider seeing a neurologist who can help you find the root causing of what is causing your numbness. this my involve an EMG of the nerves to find if there is a compression of a nerve. Based on that you could find the appropriate specialist to see.
Someone suggesting closed shoes for long should possibly explain why it is only the left foot. If the shoe was the problem, it should be both feet. I am curious to see "someones" reasoning. Please reply.
You possibly may be in the early signs of forming a blister. Blisters are caused by excessive friction. Ill-fitting shoes, or shoes with decreased support can cause this problem. It does not take long for a blister to form. The best treatment is to first wear shoes that give you more cushion. Secondly, you can get something called mole skin from the foot section in most drugs stores, and apply that over the lesion in question. Topical antibiotic ointment is good as well, twice a day for 7 days or so. The main thing to do is to remove whatever is causing the problem, which is the shoes.
John Codwell, DPM
John Codwell, DPM
Yes, when you stand on your feet for long enough, you can get the sensation of numbness or tingling. This is usually due to compression on your nerves from either a foot deformity or it can be a closed toe shoe. I would wear open-toe memory foam sandals at home and this would resolve the issue.
Dr. Patel
Dr. Patel
The closed shoes can cause some of this sensation if they are laced too tightly causing and and decrease in circulation. There are a lot of other more likely causes especially impingement of the nerve either in your foot/ankle area or a new back typically.
Sounds like a neurological problem, and also wearing tight shoes can cause numbing in the foot. You must go see a podiatrist near your home for further evaluation.
You may have a nerve impingement, which can lead to numbness in the foot. Sometimes people with a back issue can suffer from numbness since the same nerves that originate in the back go into the foot. Other medical conditions such a diabetes and certain medications and low blood cell count can lead to numbness as well.
It could be just due to friction or pressure. It could also be due to some nerve issue that gives you the feeling of numbness and rawness. It could be related to lower back issues if you have any.
Normally numbness manifesting itself in the foot is due to compression of a nerve. It is difficult to know for certain what nerve is being compressed without an exam. More commonly it is either compression of a nerve in the lower spine or compression of a nerve on the inside of the ankle. Typically it is either radiculopathy (compression of a nerve in the low back) or tarsal tunnel (compression of a nerve in the ankle). Call the office for an appointment if your numbess continues and thanks for the question. I wish you the best of luck.

Benjamin D. Overley
Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
Most likely this is nerve related, but circulation cannot be ruled out.
The big clinical question is whether there are any perceived skin changes associated with this feeling. Meaning is there any type of rash, skin eruption, skin breakdown. Clearly if this does manifest then some type of dermatologic disorder is most likely the cause of your problem. This can include both infectious and noninfectious. From an infectious standpoint, the most likely cause is a fungal infection or athlete's foot they can be readily treated with many over-the-counter topical antifungals. Noninfectious disorders can include areas of eczema, contact dermatitis, psoriasis. These disorders may be best treated with a topical steroid. If it is simply drying out of the skin then a good skin lotion or emollient may be warranted. If there are no overlying skin changes then we must consider other systems that may be prompting the sensation of a raw feeling and numbness. Most likely this is some type of neuropathic process. Given the focal nature as described without any evidence of radiating type presentation both into the leg or distally into the foot this may simply present as a compression irritation of nerve distributing into this area.
Hi, there maybe different reasons as to why our skin is reacting this way. It is best to call and make an appointment so that we can evaluate you, as how we describe changes to our skin is subjective, and better for you to receive the quality of care you deserve.
This sounds as though the skin is hypersensitive, which could be due to neurological reasons such peripheral neuropathy, chronic low back pain which is similar to carpal tunnel or systemic diseases such as diabetes. Tight shoes could be a factor, not wearing closed shoes. You would need to get your foot measured for proper footwear.

Daniel J. Walters
Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
Often standing in one spot for a long time will cause pain and numbness in the feet due to stagnant blood flow; not having this complaint when moving means the blood is circulating normally and bringing oxygen to the feet. Also could be a nerve compression or muscle cramp and spasm. Since it is only one foot could also be a limb length difference. You need to see a podiatrist for a full evaluation and be checked for any swelling and exactly how long you have to stand before the symptoms happen.
You could have a condition called tarsal tunnel syndrome. You may wish to try wearing Spenco or Superfeet orthoses to see if this helps. If not, then I would recommend making an appointment to see a podiatrist.