Endocronologist (Pediatric) Questions Steroids

Can steroids impact the height of my son?

My son is on a steroid treatment for his asthma, but I've noticed that he is a lot shorter than the other kids in his class. Could steroids impact his height?

5 Answers

That is possible, that some children are more sensitive to corticosteroids than other. Some of my patients benefited from non hormonal medications like Singulair and non steroidal inhalers. Ask for an allergist consultation to identify and control the allergy.
Yes, prolonged steroid use can affect growth, including height (slows down) and weight (might increase). The specifics vary from person to person depending on how the steroid is administered, its potency, and its duration of use. It's important to discuss these concerns with your doctor who prescribed these first before taking any action, since the medication may be critical to their well being in spite of this potential risk.
Corticosteroids are immune modulating medication. Their use in controlling verious inflamations makes them very important medications. We use them for asthma, and other inflammatory disease. However they also have side effects. They could make us gain excess weight, suppress growth in children, cause osteoporosis and more other side effects. We use them under many circumstances because their benefit outweighs their adverse effects.
Some inhalers for asthma are corticosteroids. They are important part of the treatment, though they could stunt growth and cause other side effects.
If your child's growth is suboptimal talk to your doctor if the inhalers could be changed. But if the steroid inhalers are more important to control the asthma, you need to discuss with you doctor to see an endocrinologist and explore the possibility of hormone therapy for his growth while he continues with his steroid inhalers.
Good luck
It may decrease his growth velocity and decrease his final height
Yes it is possible that steroids are impacting his height. Please do not stop the steroids without discussing with the doctor who prescribed the steroids.