Anesthesiologist Questions C-Section (Cesarean Birth)

What can I do for the back pain that has started two years after my C-section?

I underwent a C-section surgery two years back. However, all of a sudden after two years my back pain has started at the spot where the anaesthesia was administered during the surgery. What should I do?

10 Answers

See your primary care provider
No epidural anesthetic causes sudden pain 2 years later. Look for other causes.
Other causes of your pain are much more likely than the epidural insertion even though it may appear to have been caused by the epidural.

Spinals are administered usually with the use of a very fine and tapered needle where local anesthetic is deposited into the space containing the fluid surrounding the spinal nerves. Its effects are temporary and usually resolve without any problems. It is not obvious to me or am I aware of any mechanism by which a spinal injection could result in back pain 2 years later. I would believe that there may be a different cause.

Dr. Ketch
You should make an appointment to have your back evaluated. The spinal would not be the reason for your pain.
Since there could be a number of issues causing back pain, an exam by a board certified orthopedic spinal specialist would be appropriate to begin with, and if warranted, they can do imaging beginning with plain X-ray to MRI to further diagnose and ultimately find the correct treatment for you.
There is no connection between the C-section you had two years ago and the back pain you have now. You can contact your primary care provider or OB-GYN for advice.
The anesthesia for your caesarean section was two years ago. The new symptoms will almost certainly have no bearing. You should see someone for an assessment that includes a history and physical examination focused on the back issue. Imaging (X-rays or other tests) will depend on the history and examination. The two years without symptoms can reassure you that the pain had no connection with your C/section and the sensation that it is in the same place is simply a coincidence.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Gaylord Wardell
You need to be seen by a doctor. The place where you describe the pain and where epidural or spinal was performed is the place where most people have pain for various reasons. This is not likely related to anything that happened 2 years ago.
You should get yourself examined along with MRI and X-rays of your back.