“What is the reason for the bulge in my wrist?”
I have a bulge in my wrist which can be seen when i flex my palms. When I touch this bulge it hurts. According to a doctor it is excess oil accumulation. Is that true? Can it be rectified in any way?
7 Answers
It can be numerous things such as a lipoma which is s a fatty tumor, a ganglion cyst, or inflamed tendons causing a condition caused by tenosynovitis. A proper hand examination with a possible MRI can confirm the diagnosis. Most of this can easily be drained or excised.
What you describe sounds like it may be a ganglion cyst, which are quite common and easily treated. It is important to always seek a medical evaluation by a licensed professional to ensure it is not the manifestation of something more serious. You also want to seek help sooner rather than later to prevent any further damage to the area.
The most common cause for a bulge or a mass in the wrist is a Ganglion Cyst. This is not filled with oil but rather filled with joint fluid called synovium. We tend to get these when we put stress on a joint which causes a small spot in the joint capsule to become week and stretch out. Think about how when you blow a bubble with bubble gum, you stretch then add pressure (blow air) & you get the bulge. Over time when you use your wrist the bulge can get bigger & possibly more painful. Since yours is painful I would recommend making an appointment with a Hand Surgeon. The way it’s treated when symptomatic is to either drain the fluid (+\- using a splint after) or can have it surgically removed. Unfortunately they come back but the goal of treatment is so that it doesn’t. Hope this helps.
I can only answer this question with a broad brush stroke. A bulge can be one of several things, the most common is a ganglion cyst (benign sac of fluid) that can develop. Other reasons for masses can be tenosynovitis (inflammation surrounding the tendons), and then many other types of tumors. I am not aware of any of these involving "oil accumulation." It should be evaluated by a medical professional, after a history and proper physical exam. Often, an aspiration with a needle can confirm the diagnosis. If not, further work up may be necessary. There can be malignant lesions in the wrist and hand, but they are very rare.
It would be difficult to answer your question without seeing your wrist.
It may be possible that you may have a ganglion cyst in the wrist that shows when you flex your hand. I would recommend that you see a hand specialist to determine the exact problem and treatment.
It may be possible that you may have a ganglion cyst in the wrist that shows when you flex your hand. I would recommend that you see a hand specialist to determine the exact problem and treatment.