General Practitioner Questions Tiredness

I feel very tired and fatigued all the time with warm weather. Is there anything I can do?

With hot temperatures and summer around the corner, I want to prevent feeling tired and fatigued. Usually, when the warm weather hits, I don't want to do anything but stay at my house. I usually try to hydrate but this tired feeling never would go away. What should I do?

3 Answers

Blood screens re thyroid and serum iron are worth doing and even B12
Take some vitamins against tiredness. Magnesium is good. For the heat, it is necessary to take vitamin C, and no improvement needs a hematological assessment, review the parameters hematic, etc.
It is hard to know what the issue can be, but offhand, it sounds like an issue of insufficient fluid intake. Try quantifying this and make sure you drink at least 3 L of fluid daily.