“What is the treatment for acne in teenagers?”
How can I help my daughter treat her acne? Are there any natural remedies?
1 Answer
Keep in mind natural is not always safe or effective. Studies have shown whole milk is better than low-fat milk for acne. Low glycemic index foods (avoid those sugary drinks or white bread) may be better for acne as well. Tea tree may not be significantly effective and may be irritating, but can work for some people. Salicylic acid is a common over the counter ingredient derived from willow tree that is similar to aspirin though can be somewhat irritating. Over the counter products such as benzoyl peroxide washes (lower percentages are better) or adapalene (Differin acne gel) are good starts to any acne regimen unless it is scarring. Differin is a mild retinoid (vitamin A derivative). If scarring is developing, I suggest seeing a board certified dermatologist to stop the progress before permanent scars set in. If it is not scarring the above two ingredients are often a good regimen). Be sure to ease into use of the Differin as it takes time to work and can be irritating. Use only a pea-sized amount to the whole face.