Vascular Surgeon Questions Hypertension

My father has blood clots in his legs. What should be the course of treatment?

My father is 74 years old and has hypertension, which is causing him to have blood clots in his legs. What do you suggest should be the course of treatment for him?

7 Answers

If in the veins treatment can vary from 3-6 months of blood thinners. In some cases life long based on presentation and risk factors.
It depends on the locations of the clots. Are there in the arteries or veins? And what level of the leg: thigh or shin?
Thanks for your inquiry. The blood clot management differs based upon whether or not it is acute (brand new) or chronic (older) and whether or not it is in an artery or a vein. Your primary care provider should be contacted immediately to determine the best plan and timing of evaluation.
Hypertension does not by itself cause blood clots in the legs. Are they arterial clots or venous clots? Venous clots are caused by blood stasis, hypercoagulable state, or epithelial cancer (Virchow’s triad). Blood thinners are the recommended therapy. Three to six months duration.
Hypertension doesn't cause clots, but can cause plaque build-up in arteries, resulting in blockage of arteries. The treatment depends on the severity of blockage and symptoms.

Ramandeep Sidhu, MD, FACS, RPVI
It is highly unlikely that his hypertension is the cause. He should be evaluated by a vascular surgeon.
Hypertension would not cause blood clots. The doctor should investigate other causes if not obvious, like he had surgery or was sick for awhile.