Orthopedist Questions Musculoskeletal Pain

What is the treatment for musculoskeletal pain?

My father has been suffering from musculoskeletal pain around his neck and shoulders. What is the best course of treatment?

9 Answers

You should initially consult a physician, physical therapist or chiropractor for advice on the course of treatment he should follow. There are numerous causes of this type of pain. The initial treatment is usually chiropractic and or physical therapy and x-ray of the painful area. If symptoms do not resolve then an additional testing may be necessary.
Initially, the treatment is conservative, consisting of anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen or naproxen along with physical therapy. If the symptoms worsen or he begins having radiating pain or numbness and tingling in his arms, then further investigation with an MRI may be indicated.
Stretching and strengthening, usually under the supervision of a physical therapist is the best first line treatment. It’s a good idea to have your primary care provider evaluate him first though.
This could be from his cervical spine. Ideally he should be evaluated by someone well-versed in spine and shoulders. This would preferably be an orthopedic spine surgeon, such as myself.
Most commonly musculoskeletal pain around the neck is related to muscular strain or arthritis. Common treatments include NSAID's and physical therapy. Chiropractors may also be a great resource.
I recommended to exercise, unless it is a serious problem that needs evaluation.
He needs to get an MRI of his neck and shoulders to look for the cause.
Anti - inflammatory medications such as Advil.
See a physician for diagnosis and treatment.