Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Cysts

What are the possible treatments available for dental cysts?

I have two cysts located at the upper part of my molar tooth. I have ignored them for a long time since I didn’t know what it was. It has now started to hurt me a little bit. I am scared to go for an enucleation surgery. Could you please suggest the possible treatment options available?

6 Answers

Pain indicates infection especially when it's associated with teeth and cyst combination. There is several treatments enucleation in combination with root canal and apicoectomy. Extraction is always an option

Enucleation is treatment. Don't be alarmed if the topic of bone grafting is mentioned. Over time, these cysts will expand (grow), causing damage/loss of bone.
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If the cysts are caused by a dead tooth, root canal treatment may be helpful. It they are not, enucleation can help cure. The surgery performed by a competent oral and maxillofacial surgeon should not be difficult.
Depending on what the reason for them are, they may be treatable with a root canal and no actual surgery. If they are developmental cysts, you should definitely get them treated, as they need to be biopsied to determine what type of cyst it is. They could be a type that could require additional surgery, and this would keep getting worse if left alone.
With what limited data provided...the options likely are:
Apicoectomy/tooth extraction with removal of the lesion/cyst
You need to have them removed before they become any larger. Cysts tend to get larger and larger and as they do, they affect the tissues around them and get harder to treat.