“My urine is cloudy. Is it a sign of an infection?”
My urine is dark in color and is cloudy too. Is it a normal phenomenon or does it indicate any urinary infection? Could this also be an indication for diabetes?
6 Answers
Dark and cloudy urine indicates a urine infection or kidney disease or stone in the kidney. Diabetes can have this if the kidney is affected.
Your urine can be dark and cloudy simply because of not drinking enough water. Urinary tract infections can present initially like this, but sometimes, along with additional symptoms, e.g., burning, frequency, lower abdominal discomfort, diabetes concerns can be addressed by a simple blood test.
This sounds more like the hydration. And you need to check and see if you're drinking enough water. Also, depends on whether or not you are having any other symptoms. Are you having burning when you urinate? Are you urinating frequently? Do you urinate and think that you're finishing then when you stand up you have to urinate again (hesitancy)? I would 1st try to hydrate yourself very well and then see if it continues.
Are you hydrated well enough? Your urine could just be very concentrated if your fluid status is not "up to par." If you are hydrating well, this would be worrisome and I would recommend your provider putting eyes on your urine and run some tests.