“My son has vitamin D deficiency. What should I do?”
My son has a vitamin D deficiency. What can I do to help him overcome it? Should I give him supplements? Or, should I change his diet up?
4 Answers
Vitamin D deficiency is common in America especially if you live above or north of the Atlanta Georgia latitude. Most colored people and lots of light skin people have vitD deficiency. Because the ultraviolet light that helps synthesis VitD in the skin is weak as you go up to the north. VitaminD deficiency is also common in overweight people because vitD is fat soluble and it sigueters in the fatty tissue. Most Diets have little VitD. Fish oil code oil Salmon fish and irrediate yeast are good source of vitD. If you or your children have vitD deficiency, you can supplement from 1000-5000 units of vitD daily and if the level is really low you can ask your provider for a prescription of 50000 units weekly untill the lever of vitD is in good range.
VitD level is lower in fall and winter. For people with VitD deficiency, winterizing them with VitD is important. It may also help with seasonal affective disorder in fall and winter.
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VitD level is lower in fall and winter. For people with VitD deficiency, winterizing them with VitD is important. It may also help with seasonal affective disorder in fall and winter.
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