Sports Medicine Specialist (Pediatric) Questions Sports Fitness

What age should I put my kid in sports?

My son really wants to get into baseball, or really tee ball first. He's 4-years-old and for now just plays with his father in the front yard. Is 4 years old too you to put him in an organized team?

4 Answers

Good Morning,
The key with kids and sports is to allow the child to participate in sports they are excited about. Don’t force them into sports they don’t have an interest in. Sounds like you son is interested in tee ball so I’d encourage you to get him involved. Research shows that in general team sports are good for the social and emotional growth of children. So play ball!

P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO
I like t ball early.
Start this year. It will be good for all.
I think the sooner, the better, especially if your son is interested. I do strongly encourage multiple different sports early on and as he gets older go more with what he prefers. Soccer, baseball, gymnastics, basketball, and swimming all develop different skills and overall coordination. If a kid say only swims and plays soccer, he will likely be poor at catching and throwing.