Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

What are the dangers of HGH products?

I want to started using HGH to slow down my aging (I'm 40 years old and female), but my husband says that it's really harmful... without giving me a clear reason as to why. Why are so many people against HGH? What are the dangers?

1 Answer

1st you can't get it from a legitimate physician as we are limited to using it to treat children with HGH lack. 2nd real HGH is very expensive so few can afford it since large doses are required for the use you want to make of it. 3rd there is not proof that it works to slow aging so you may be wasting your money. Yes there are those who tout its value but they are sharks who want to take your money! with no scientific studies that it works. This is "snake oil" medicine & I'd stay away from it. 4th Yes there are side effects from it. There are many athletes & body builders who have used it. Many have had strokes at young ages, heart attacks, and a variety of other health effects including adverse effects on the brain. God or mother nature made us to decrease HGH secretion as we complete our growth & God or mother nature usually has a good reason for doing so. Please look at yourself & your life & see why you want to try to change the way we are made & evolved & see why your want to change "Mother Nature". This is a good hormone with several uses but used incorrectly it is dangerous. Oh yes it is a counter-regulatory hormone to insulin. It therefore raises blood sugar and thus can precipitate diabetes especially in the large doses needed to slow ageing if it can be done at all.
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