“What are good anti-depressants?”
I'm a 20 year old that has been dealing with depression for 4 months. What are good anti-depressants? Or should I see a doctor?
9 Answers
Depression is a multifaceted illness that may respond to antidepressants. If one is appropriate and which one is appropriate should be discussed with a physician who treats Depression
It is best to see a psychiatrist instead of a regular doctor. As far as your question about a good anti-depressant, it all depends on whether it treats more than 90 percent of your symptoms and you have minimal to no side effects. If you are still depressed, consider having TMS (transcranial repetitive stimulation) or better still PrTMS (personalized repetitive TMS).
Check out this link: https://www.prtms.com
Check out this link: https://www.prtms.com
Let me answer the 2nd question first. You should see a doctor if you have been depressed for 4 months. Find a mental health agency / clinic that you can go to and discuss your depressive symptoms with a licensed clinician and / or psychiatrist.
Regarding "good" antidepressants. The term "good" is vague. There is use for all antidepressants and a skilled physician / psychiatrist will recommend one for you if you meet the criteria after being evaluated.
Regarding "good" antidepressants. The term "good" is vague. There is use for all antidepressants and a skilled physician / psychiatrist will recommend one for you if you meet the criteria after being evaluated.
There are many excellent anti-depressant medications. However the first step if for you to see a qualified mental health professional to be evaluated. It is possible that you would benefit by psychotherapy or psychotherapy combined with medication.Many psychiatrists do psychotherapy and prescribe medications. In other situation you may see a therapist and also see a psychiatrist who would prescribe the medication. It is important that you be seen as soon as possible as depression can be a serious condition but is very treatable.
Yes, you should see a physician. Typically, a Family Practice Doctor first before a Psychiatrist. You will need to make sure you do not have any medical conditions causing or contributing to the depression. Important questions will be how is the depression effecting your functioning, have you been having thoughts of hurting yourself (or someone else), was there an event related to the start of your depression (does not have to be one). The Family Physician (or Psychiatrist Physician if the Family Practice doctor feels a referral is necessary) will then decide if the depression may respond to therapy, a medication trial or both. Other beneficial interventions for depression are regular exercise. Yes there are effective antidepressants. Medications that family members responded too are often a good choice. Some medications that help depression help also with insomnia while some help more with low energy and too much sleep. Some also help more with anxiety with the depression. All need to be taken every day and the full effect may not be seen for 4-6 weeks at the starting dose although you may start to feel better relatively quickly. For a 20 year old- Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa once a day are often good initial choices. Zoloft often with food to avoid Nausea.
So, yes, many good antidepressants but do not skip the medical workup for depression, exercise, therapy and other interventions should your Doctor suggest that plan. I would highly recommend seeing a Doctor after suffering for 4 months. This is treatable and is a medical condition.
So, yes, many good antidepressants but do not skip the medical workup for depression, exercise, therapy and other interventions should your Doctor suggest that plan. I would highly recommend seeing a Doctor after suffering for 4 months. This is treatable and is a medical condition.
The more severe the depression, the more likely antidepressants will help. I would recommend you see a doctor.
You have to see an M.D. in order to get an Rx. All anti-depressants are effective for some people, but it is 33% remission, 33% improvement, and 33% useless. However, there are other meds which if added to the antidepressant may make it work better. One of these is Latuda. Some non-psychiatrists may be able to treat this illness, but your odds are better with a psychiatrist. Jack L.Underwood, M.D.