OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

What are signs of fertility?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know what are signs of fertility?

4 Answers

Certainly ability to have a regular cycle, and to ovulate with each cycle are key. In addition, you need a good ovarian reserve.
There are no SIGNS of fertility. There are tests to suggest if you may have any issue with fertility. However, you are 27. If you are having regular menstrual cycles, you are likely ovulating each month. However, you have to look at your history, what's up with husband, etc. Ask your gyn specific questions
That question is difficult to answer. I would say regular cycles is likely the best sign of fertility. That would aid in knowing when to try and achieve pregnancy.

Doug Young MD
Heartland women's healthcare
Best sign is a regular period.