Pediatrician Questions Speech and Communication Disorders

What are some common language problems for children?

My child is having a hard time grasping how to pronounce certain words and understanding some meanings behind them. Is this a common problem that kids have, or should I take her to a specialist? She's 6 years old.

7 Answers

If you are concerned, I would speak with your pediatrician and request a referral for a speech/language evaluation.
This is a red flag for your child to be evaluated by a speech language pathologist.
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By 6 children can typically produce the /p, b, d, m, h, w, n, y, k, g, t, f, j, ch, sh, v, l/ sounds. If she has difficulty with several of these sounds you sound contact your local school district, private speech clinics, or pediatrician for information and an evaluation.

At 6, I think your child is still very young. Children increase their vocabulary at different rates and some words come easier than others for children. I would just continue to observe and encourage him to keep talking. Good luck!
Make an appointment with your child's pediatrician and discuss this with them. They may start with testing the child's hearing and go from there.
Unfortunately, this is an uncommon problem for a six-year-old. It sounds like the child needs to be evaluated by a neurologist and a speech therapist
Make sure her hearing has been checked. Do you read to her? This helps her learn more words. At her age she could quickly get behind in school. If her hearing is ok, you may to start speech therapy