“What are the symptoms of low blood pressure?”
What are the possible symptoms of low blood pressure? If someone has low blood pressure, how are they treated?
2 Answers

Mounir Clinton Meslioui
General Practitioner
The main symptom of low blood pressure that manifests itself is fatigue, a blood pressure curve for 10 days morning and evening. The treatment is according to the cause: anemia, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, etc. A balance sheet is desirable also, as well as formula of blood counting, thyroid balance, and adrenal.
The classical symptoms of low blood pressure our tendency to faint when rising from lying to sitting position or from sitting to standing position accompanied by dizziness. The most common cause of low blood pressure among otherwise healthy individuals is volume deficiency in the blood system. The obvious and logical therapy is volume replacement. Among elderly, frail individuals, the most common causes heart failure, and among these, many have issues of polypharmacy that one reduced can ameliorate the problem. This is very short synopsis of very complicated issue. If you want to know more, you will have to be more specific in your question.