Rheumatologist (Pediatric) Questions Psoriatic Arthritis

What are the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis in kids?

My 10 year old son is complaining of pain in his wrists and elbows, and I noticed that his skin was red around those joints. Could these be symptoms of psoriatic arthritis?

3 Answers

thank you for the question Children can develop inflammatory arthritis, much of which is termed juvenile inflammatory arthritis or JIA and with in the subtypes of inflammatory arthritis is a psoriatic arthritis or spondyloarthritis category It is also important to know that if someone has a definite diagnosis of psoriasis that perhaps 25 percent of them over their lifetime will develop psoriatic arthritis Psoriatic arthritis has subtypes: There is a subtype that involves 4 or fewer joints and we call that pauci articular; there is a polyarticular form that for all intents and purposes can be considered to be juvenile inflammatory arthritis or RA like; there is a form that is extremely unusual and that is fortunate because it is a very active and destructive arthritis that is called mutilans; there is a form that can cause inflammation in the sacroiliac joints and this can mimic a condition called ankylosing spondylitis; and there is a form that can involve the end knuckle what we call the D IP or end knuckle joint Patients with psoriasis can have abnormal fingernails and abnormal toenails There symptoms will typically include pain, stiffness, particularly morning stiffness, and inflammatory swelling of the joints and or marked stiffness of the low back Pediatric rheumatologists are incredibly skilled at trying to determine the cause of musculoskeletal symptoms in children Again thank you for the question Thomas P. Olenginski, M.D., FACP Staff Attending Physician - Geisinger Medical Center, Danville PA Department Rheumatology HiROC FLS Physician Champion BMD Committee Chairperson 570-271-6416 Fax: 570-214-2924

Blood work and X-rays have to be done to establish the diagnosis. Please see a rheumatologist for further work up.
Best of luck to you guys.
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Those could be symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. You should consult a pediatric rheumatologist