OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Women's health

What are the best natural fertility treatments?

I am a 28-year-old female, I want to get pregnant but haven't had luck so far and want to take natural fertility treatment methods. What are the best natural fertility treatments?

2 Answers

There are many good supplements both for egg and sperm issues: Co q10, maca, antioxidant vitamins, DHEA, Vitamin D.

Best regards,

Daniel Levine, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Well, the best way the address infertility is to determine you cycle patterns and ovulation. So start as cycle calendar and pick up a urine ovulation kit. Record those for 3-6 months in a ledger. Then once you have determine your ovulation pattern, have intercourse during that week. Most patients that have regular cycles and ovulate will conceive.

Try that first, 80% of those couples will get pregnant in a year. If after that time and no luck, see a reproductive endocrinologist for additional options for you.
Good luck!

Dr. Dale R. Yingling, FACOG
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