Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What are the chances of a child needing an appendectomy?

My child is 2 years old and I am very protective. I want to know what are the chances of a child needing an appendectomy?

3 Answers

Google and Wikipedia. He is at the age where the lymph nodes can become enlarged and cause appendicitis, but check prevalence in America or location.
Appendicitis affects 80,000 children per year in the United States. It is most common in the second decade of life. Fifty percent of children will have a family history of appendicitis. Appendicitis is the most common cause for emergency abdominal surgery in childhood.

Ruptured appendicitis occurs in 30 percent of patients and is more common in children under five years old

Now days a good percentage are treated with antibioticsl In the 70s and 80 every sailor on a nuclear sub had to have his ap out, now early antibiotics cures most. The data is not out on whether they will eventually need one
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