“What are the tests to diagnose allergies?”
I think my 9 year old son has seasonal allergies. How do I confirm that? What are the tests to diagnose allergies?
2 Answers
There is a RAST test for common allergens in your area. I am in allergy zone 6. It will depend on your location but this is something your Doctor would know or could look up
This is the right question...how do you confirm? The first step is to have a conversation with a board certified allergy center. Although some testing techniques are done by other types of practices, often those techniques are partial. The depth of diagnosis achieved by a board certified allergy center are unique to the practice. We sometimes depend on a multitude of testing methods, and rely on the highest level of evidence based methods. Some methods used are: skin prick testing usually in conjunction with intradermal testing, and serum IgE testing. The skin prick testing done by a board certified allergy center is usually more in depth involving more allergens unique to the region’s “allergy profile,” and go a step further with intradermal testing for more accurate results. Some symptoms can mimic allergies. It is important to get this evaluated by and receive advise by an allergy provider.