Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What are the treatment options for myopia?

I am a 39 year old male and I was diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness). What are the treatment options for myopia?

13 Answers

Myopia can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, and refractive surgery.
The treatment options for myopia are glasses, contacts or Laser Vision Correction.
Lasik or lens replacement
Glasses, contact lenses, LASIK or PRK, SMILE Phakic IOL’s, Refractive lens exchange! Glasses, contact lens and LASIK/PRK are most common methods of treatment by far. Other forms of treatments in children like Atropine drops, Ortho-K, multifocal contacts or multifocal glasses and vision therapy are money-making scams and don’t work!!!
The options vary widely depending on one's age, degree of astigmatism, pre-existing cataract, etc. I suggest that you see a refractive MD Ophthalmologist who can discuss the options for you including glasses, contact lenses, refractive surgery and even lens removal and replacement.
It depends on how myopic you are and if your cornea is normal. The main options other than glasses or contact lenses are refractive surgeries: LASIK, PRK, or phakic intraocular lens implant (ICL). There is a lot of information about these options online. You should consult an ophthalmologist who is experienced with these procedures for testing in order to determine what is best for your personal condition.

Mark F. Pyfer, MD, MS, FACS
Glasses, contact lenses, laser vision correction, phakic lens implants, and orthokeratology. SO
Wear glasses or contact lenses. Ignore it if it's mild. Or, lastly, laser surgery should you truly desire it. If it is mild (less than 1.00), I would use glasses only as needed for driving, ball games, movies, etc.

The main treatments for myopia are glasses, contacts, and laser correction surgery.
Treatment for myopia are numerous. Non-surgical options are contact lenses and glasses. Surgical options include LASIK, PRK, and intracorneal lenses. You need an evaluation to see which options you are a good candidate for.
There are many options open to you depending upon how nearsighted you are. Remember right now you can read easily by taking your glasses off. If you did both eyes with laser correction then you would need reading glasses in a few short years. Many people if they are not too nearsighted opt to dojust their dominant eye for distance.If you choose to do both your eyes for distance then the exact type of procedure would depend upon many factors that would be determined in a comprehensive Eyework up.These findings would then individualize your treatment. Good luck.
Glasses, LASIK corrective surgery, contacts.
Glasses, contacts, refractive eye surgery