“What are the treatment options for scoliosis?”
Our 14 year old daughter has scoliosis without an intense curve. What are the treatment options for scoliosis?
3 Answers
First recommendation is to see a pediatric orthopaedic specialist. The doctor can evaluate how severe the curve is as well as the skeletal maturity of your daughter to give a better idea of risk of progression. There are several factors that are involved before treating the curve.
Treatment for scoliosis in adolescent aged children is divided into surgical and non-surgical treatment. The decision as to which treatment is most appropriate is based on the patient’s age, the severity of the curve, and whether or not the curvature is getting worse over time. Non-surgical care consists of simply monitoring the curve over time and getting X-rays every few months or treating with a brace. Exercises, chiropractic or medications generally have not been shown to change the outcome. Surgery generally involves fusion with the goal of straightening out the curve and preventing it from worsening in the future.