Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Tonsil Stones

What are the treatment options for tonsil stones?

I'm 32 years old and I have tonsil stones. What are the treatment options for tonsil stones?

6 Answers

tonsil stones are very common. They can be annoying and sometimes mildly sore. If you want them to stop, go see an ENT and they can remove the tonsils. Otherwise, you can try lots of things to get them to stop, but usually they will continue to form. Some people make them and some people don't...

Recommend gargling after every snack and meal to limit these stones.

Dr. D
Typical treatment options for tonsil stones involve some form of direct cleaning using such things as a soft toothbrush, water pick, or a long q tip. In extreme cases, a tonsillectomy, removal of the tonsils is done, but that is not typical.
Hi! Tonsils stones can certainly be a nuisance. There are medical and surgical treatment options for tonsil stones. First, it's important to address any diet changes since tonsil stones occurred. Dairy can be a frequent trigger. Gentle manual removal of the tonsil stones can be performed, using your finger, toothbrush, etc. Surgical treatment is to remove tonsils. This can be performed if the tonsil stones are chronic and the patient is fed up and wants something definitive.
Get cetylpyridinium mouthwash gargle and spit out. Cleans out bacteria causing "stones"
You can debride them with a pick or curette. Gargle them out. Have a tonsillectomy.