“What are the types of bipolar disorder?”
I am a 30 year old female. I want to know what are the types of bipolar disorder?
3 Answers
Bipolar 1 and 2. Basically the same just more issues involved. Sometimes it is like dealing with an addict. Something that needs attention throughout life
Type 1 which means at least one episode of true mania with out of control behavior usually accompanied by physical hyperactivity deceased need fir sleep and often psychotic ideas of being the messiah or the gracious dekusiijns then back to normal. usually episodes of major depression. can as always there is help. Type two is often a lot of milder pr more severe depressions with at least one episode of decreed need foe sleeper a week extra energy extremes in mood giddy top of the world or grouchy but without bizarre behaviors or psychosis, it has less severe symptoms tan type one, but often many more episodes