Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Teeth Grinding

What can an oral surgeon do about teeth grinding?

I have issues with teeth grinding, and I do it throughout the entire night. I don't really want to use a night guard every night. Is there any type of oral surgery that can prevent teeth grinding? If the cause is jaw-related?

4 Answers

The short answer is no. A night guard is your best bet, and is simply protective. There may be a malocclusion, or misfit of your teeth, and that might help if corrected. Some patients will try biofeedback training to alleviate that habit, but it doesn't work for everyone. There is no surgery that would be of benefit.
Recommend a dentist to fabricate a night guard after adjusting the patient's bite.
Night guard appliance is the best tool for teeth grinding treatment. There is no oral surgery procedure for teeth grinding.
Tooth grinding - recognized and nocturnal "bruxism", and wakefulness "clenching"- is not a surgically-directed problem. At this point in time, the cause for these problems is not fully elucidated. Dr. Gilles Lavigne at the University of Montreal is the world authority on this issue... you should Google him and read some of his work...