“What can be the cause of my lower back pain?”
I'm only 25, but I have really bad back pain. I'm pretty active too and try to exercise at least 4 times a week. What could be causing my back pain?
10 Answers
Back pain can be caused by a variety of things- the most common cause is misalignment of vertebrae in the lower back causing pressure on the nerves or discs in that area. A thorough chiropractic exam should be able to identify your problem and then be able to offer a solution to help you.
There are a lot of things that could cause back pain, but yours would depend on your specific history. I would recommend scheduling a consult to discuss your case more specifically. In general, I look to the nervous system first, because all it takes is the weight of a dime of pressure on the nerve roots to disrupt the nerve signal by as much as 60%.
Dr. Jake Tucker
Dr. Jake Tucker
An exam by a Chiropractor or Orthopedist would be best first step to have that question appropriately answered. So many reasons can be the cause.
It's a simple question with multiple answers. First, if you have leg pain and/or numbness and tingling going down a leg, you need to be evaluated by a competent health care professional.
Back pain at your age is usually mechanical though. It can come from prolonged sitting, poor posture, excessive strain on workouts, a prior or recent injury such as a fall or auto accident...the list goes on. You should really be evaluated by a trained professional such as a medical doctor who specializes in spine, an osteopath, a chiropractor, not in any particular order.
Much of what I see requires core training, as most people have very weak core muscles. There are several choices for core work: Pilates, Gyrotonics, posture-based yoga, TRX, Feldenkrais technique, Egoscue technique, Alexander technique and more. They all work but to me they are vehicles and you have to like what you "drive" as you will be doing these 2 - 3 times a week. They vary quite a bit. Some take special trainers and equipment while others can be done carefully on your own.
Back pain at your age is usually mechanical though. It can come from prolonged sitting, poor posture, excessive strain on workouts, a prior or recent injury such as a fall or auto accident...the list goes on. You should really be evaluated by a trained professional such as a medical doctor who specializes in spine, an osteopath, a chiropractor, not in any particular order.
Much of what I see requires core training, as most people have very weak core muscles. There are several choices for core work: Pilates, Gyrotonics, posture-based yoga, TRX, Feldenkrais technique, Egoscue technique, Alexander technique and more. They all work but to me they are vehicles and you have to like what you "drive" as you will be doing these 2 - 3 times a week. They vary quite a bit. Some take special trainers and equipment while others can be done carefully on your own.
Back pain can be caused by a variety of factors including prolonged sedentary positions. Often back pain is idiopathic meaning it does not have a known cause. Back pain is very common and occurs in active and inactive people. The good news is that back pain can often be treated conservatively with exercise.