Dentist Questions tooth pain

What can be the cause of my teeth pain?

My two front teeth started to hurt me almost every night this week. Why could this be happening? Is it necessary for me to visit a dentist, or should I see if the pain continues?

7 Answers

Upper teeth can hurt for several reasons. It could be sinus related if during spring with lots of pollen. You could be grinding your teeth and setting them off.
Or you could have decay , if you haven't been to dentist recently
if pain continues more than 12 hours, you should visit your dentist
Yes. You should get checked. It could be a couple of different things, so you need to have a dentist check it out.

Owen M. Waldman, DMD

Have you recently taken a fall or had a driving accident where they might have been hit? Do you have braces, or might you be hitting them heavy when you bite down? Are they sensitive
from scrubbing them, using abrasive toothpaste, or tanning? Could you have cracked a tooth? Do you wear any appliances (could be an ill fitting appliance)? Also, upper back teeth can become sensitive and ache from sinuses, but it would be rare for that to be the case for the two front teeth.
There are so many possible reasons for this that it’s really hard to diagnose without seeing your teeth and/or an X-ray of them. If there’s no big cavity that you can see or the whole tooth hasn’t broken off: In the best case scenario, you may have just “bruised” the teeth by getting hit (a baby knocked your teeth with it’s head, you were grinding on them at night, etc). This would feel like maybe a dull ache but not throbbing or a sharp shooting pain. In the worst case scenario, the nerve in these teeth is dying or dead and (if the tooth can be saved) would require a root canal and likely a crown. Best to have the teeth checked out at least it’ll give you peace of mind and maybe a nightguard or close monitoring is needed. Good luck!

Your two front teeth may be hurting if you had a traumatic injury to them, if they have cavities in them or receding gums, or perhaps you are clenching due to stress. Try a soft diet, use Sensodyne toothpaste, and maybe get to a dentist to get an exam and X-ray if the pain persists.
Thanks for the question.
You definitely need to visit your Dentist.