Neurologist Questions Neck Pain

What can be the cause of my neck pain?

I'm 32 years old and male. I have had neck pain already for 3 months. What can be the cause ? Should I see a doctor?

3 Answers

Herniated disk in the cervical spine.
There are too many possible causes of neck pain to list here. It can come from the bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, blood vessels or nerves. The first question is, was there any trauma to the painful area? Does pain from your neck shoot down into either arm? (possible pinched nerve). Does heat or stretching help? (possible muscle or ligament injury). Can you hear a crunching sound when you turn your head? (bone - wear and tear arthritis). Do you feel a lump in the area of pain? Possible enlarged lymph node or knot in muscle). You should see a doctor because some of these causes of neck pain are more urgent than others.

Talk to your doctor ASAP, please.

Steve-Felix Belinga, MD