Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What can cause a child to wheeze?

My son is 7 years old and he wheezes lately. What can cause a child to wheeze?

4 Answers

Wheezing can be due to viral infection, allergy, i.e. asthma, heart problem or foreign body aspiration into the air pipe. Seek appointment ASAP.
Many things can cause a child to wheeze. Asthma, viral lower respiratory tract infections, aspiration of a foreign body, tumors...the list is long. Your child's doctor would be a good place to start so you can figure out what is causing his wheezing.
This is usually caused by spasm of the airways and can be a sign of asthma. He would need to be checked
If this is a new wheeze and he did not have this wheeze before, please see your PCP for a check-up. In general, allergy and asthma or history of asthma are the main reasons for the wheezing.