Chiropractor Questions Fatigue

What can cause extreme exhaustion?

I've been dealing with extreme exhaustion for the past two years, and I'm always in pain. My doctors aren't sure where this fatigue is coming from. Told me it was all in my head. What could be causing this? Who can help me?

5 Answers

In our hectic lifestyles, we seem to be burning the candle at both ends and life makes us feel like the hamster running constantly on the wheel going round and round to nowhere. Fatigue and exhaustion are actually just non-specific symptoms and not a disease. They could be caused by benign things such as lack of sleep or poor sleeping patterns or a result of metabolism, allergies, infection, inflammation, medication, food or some other health condition. These symptoms can be pointing to some potential underlying cause. In order to find the cause, find a healthcare professional that will take a thorough history and perform a physical examination to explore those underlying signs. The solution may be as simple as taking a vitamin or exercise to eating the right foods or learning to control your anxiety.
I'm so sorry to hear that you are exhausted and in pain. My suggestion is to get looked by a chiropractor who can assess what is going on for your pain. This may contribute to your exhaustion level. Some chiropractors also look at nutrition and supplements to heal the body. Make sure you have the blood work to show your holistic physician or chiropractor to rule out or in certain problems/ diagnosis. Adrenal fatigue is something that comes to mind. They can give you supplements to help combat it. Also, they should look at your diet and see if it is causing inflammation and further adrenal stress or what ever you may need to assist in your healing. Furthermore, think hydration, sunshine and very light movement (walking outside for 5 minutes) until your body starts to repair and you are able to do more. At that time when you are stronger, physical therapy may be beneficial.
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This is a common problem we see in our office, oftentimes coming from a condition in the nervous system called sympathetic dominance. By addressing the causes of this condition, we often see patients energy levels improve.

Dr. Jake Tucker
It could be a number of things. A work up and labs need to be done
There are a few possibilities for the constant pain and fatigue which I see in my practice. Fibromyalgia, Lyme's Disease, Thyroid Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are my top diagnoses to rule in/rule out based on what you have briefly described. I recommend doing some research to see which of these conditions better fits your symptoms, then you can search for the proper physician to treat that condition.