Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What can constipation be a sign of?

I am a 30 year old male and I am constipated almost every day. What can constipation be a sign of?

6 Answers

Not enough fiber in the daily diet.
Constipation is not often a sign of something else. It is a condition in and of itself. The colon motility is slow so you tend to have fewer bowel movements than typical. The low end of the normal range for BMs is one every 3 days. Sometimes constipation occurs as a side effect to medications or as a consequence of a low fiber diet. It is a myth that not drinking enough water causes constipation. It is quite rare to have constipation occur as a consequence of another condition such as hypothyroidism or other vary rare endocrine disorders.
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Usually stool impaction secondary to dehydration in someone as young as you.
Constipation can be a sign of several things - it can be a lack of fiber and water in your diet; it can also be a sign of celiac disease which is a severe wheat intolerance. It can also be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. Please see your doctor or a gastroenterologist for an evaluation.
Poor eating habits and lack of hydration
Constipation can be a sign of malfunction of your colon or a manifestation of other systemic disease. I invite you to make an appointment with your family physician to investigate the cause and then the treatment of your constipation. Also, you may need to see a specialist depending on the gravity of the situation.