Dentist Questions Abscess

What can I do for an abscess after wisdom tooth removal?

I'm 24 years of age, and I had 2 wisdom teeth pulled a week ago. But now I have a painful abscess on my jaw bone that's causing me a lot of discomfort. What should I do?

4 Answers

Return to your dentist
Make an appointment to see the dentist who did the extraction. Until you see the dentist, hot salt water rinses, a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of hot water.
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You need to go back to your doctor A.S.A.P
Please see your dentist or oral surgeon ASAP. A painful abscess will need to be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible so as not to spread and cause issues with your other teeth. If this is not an abscess and is a dry socket then this also will need to be treated by your dentist or oral surgeon. They will place a medication in the area where the tooth was removed. You may have to return for 2-3 days for the medicine to be removed and/or placed again depending on the type of treatment your dentist or oral surgeon uses for dry sockets. Just fyi this is unlikely to be a dry socket as the tooth was removed over a week ago. Good Luck!