Urology Questions Hydrocele

What can I do to prevent the return of hydrocele?

I'm 24 years old and I just had two surgeries to correct a resurgent hydrocele. This returned a month after the surgery, which is why I needed a second. I also had a few cases of epididymitis, and each time it was treated with a combination of prescription and holistic meds. What can I do to prevent hyrdocele from returning after surgery?

5 Answers

Your hydrocele should not return. As long as the surgery was done well, there is nothing you need to do to stop recurrence.
Hydroceles are typically either congenital (born with it) or acquired secondary to, or associated with some degree of trauma. A hydrocele is the result of a thin capsule of tissue that forms around the testicle and is filled with some degree of clear benign fluid. Treatment requires removal or excision. Simple drainage has an almost forsure reoccurrence within a short time.
Recurrence after hydrocele is unusual, but can occur. I doubt you'll have a recurrence after the 2nd repair.
If the hydrocele repair is done correctly it should not come back. The sac that surrounds the testicle should be opened completely and sewn behind the testicle. That way the fluid can not reform if there is no sac. I also always leave a drain overnight to prevent blood and fluid accumulating. Hope that helps
Recurrent hydroceles happen in 5-10% of patients after surgery. Unfortunately, it is more common if a second surgery is needed. Hydrocele can occur due to infection, but they usually resolve when infection is cleared. Repeated trauma, may also contribute to it. However, beyond that there is not much you can do to prevent it from coming back.