Dentist Questions Orthodontist

What can't I eat with braces?

I am a 17 year old female who is getting braces put on next week. I want to know what foods I can't eat now.

6 Answers

Hard foods, chewing gums, sticky snacks.
I'd avoid anything sticky, such as gum, dried fruit, hard candy, gummies, etc.
Basically really hard crunchy things and really sticky gooey things.
The easiest way to remember what foods to avoid is “if it makes noise when you chew” stay away from it. Hard foods can break off braces and bend wires so hare crunchy foods should try to be avoided.
I tell my patients "no chewing gum, bubble gum, googy sticky candy, candy apples,red hot, hot shots, sugar babies, sugar daddies, no ice, peanut brittle, any thing hard or sticky. Keep it softer dong chew on pencils. Only to name a few. Use your common sense. When appliances break or get bent the teeth move incorrectly and more time may cost you more money.
Basically hard and sticky food. If you want more specific you can google orthodontic diet.
Dr. Price