Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What can trigger a manic episode?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know what can trigger a manic episode?

4 Answers


Thank you for your question. Manic episodes can be triggered by psychosocial stressors, such as relationship problems (arguments/breakups/divorce), school or work problems, substance abuse, lack of sleep, medications, seasonal changes, shifting hormones, financial stress, death of a loved one, etc. If you think that you have experienced a manic episode, I would recommend that you contact a mental health professional for support.
I hope this has been helpful!


Jenna Torres, PsyD
Some people can get away with behavior like staying up too many nights in a row without sleep or drug use/abuse without triggering a manic episode, but if you have a family history of depression, or especially a family history of bipolar disorder, you will want to take care of yourself really well, including good rest and sleep, a good diet, and don't do drugs!
Sleep deprivation and stress can trigger manic episodes. 
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