“What can you do for an exposed tooth nerve?”
I am a 25 year old male. I want to know what can you do for an exposed tooth nerve?
11 Answers
Not much can be done by you accept calling your dentist office and keeping the tooth as clean as possible. Depending on the severity of the condition holding cold or hot water in the mouth might help a bit temporarily.
Once the nerve is exposed you would have had pain. There really are only 2 real options - root canal or extract the tooth. Leaving the tooth with an exposed nerve without treatment would result in an infection (although no pain may be felt - as the nerve would eventually die) as the bacteria makes its way into the supporting structures such as bone.
Hope this helps.
Once the nerve is exposed you would have had pain. There really are only 2 real options - root canal or extract the tooth. Leaving the tooth with an exposed nerve without treatment would result in an infection (although no pain may be felt - as the nerve would eventually die) as the bacteria makes its way into the supporting structures such as bone.
Hope this helps.
If you have an exposed nerve because of tooth trauma or deep decay, you must have a root canal treatment to save the tooth.
Exposed nerves need to be removed and canals cleaned and disinfected. Refer to an endodontist for a root canal therapy.
Usually, if it is truly exposed, all you can do is perform endodontics, i.e., root canal or extract the tooth. If there is just sensitivity, an application of a desensitizer may be all that is needed. A dentist can help you with this.
Exposed tooth nerve is a dental emergency. It needs the immediate care of a dentist. It is like a live wire. Please contact your dentist immediately for an appointment.