“What can you do for varicose veins while pregnant?”
I'm 27 and also 5 months pregnant. I noticed that on my legs I have varicose veins and I want to get rid of them. Is there a way to do so while pregnant? Or should I wait to treat them after my delivery?
7 Answers
I would recommend waiting till after delivery when some of the veins may come back to normal state. You can get the others treated a needed by a vascular specialist.
Varicose veins will often go away away by themselves after pregnancy (which causes an increase in blood volume and relaxation of the vein walls). I advise pregnant patients to wait until at least 3 months after delivery to make a decision to treat. During pregnancy I advise compression stockings, thigh-high, 20-30 or 30-40 mmHg compressive strength.
Hello. We recommend waiting until afyer delivery for vein treatment for many reasons. Please elevate your legs whenever you can for comfort, and wear thigh high compression socks while pregnant and waiting.
Wear compression hose during your pregnancy to minimize formation of varicose veins. Wait until finished for treatment both so no complications affect pregnancy and also at least half of varicose veins formed during pregnancy will go a way 6 months to a year after the birth as long as you don't get pregnant again
Varicose and spider veins often occur during pregnancy due to your body's increased blood volume, hormone changes, and your growing baby sitting in your pelvis. Many women report that their varicosities resolve after delivery. For others, the changes in their legs don't. During pregnancy, wear at least 20-30 mmHg gradient compression socks to prevent the varicose veins from worsening, elevate your legs routinely during the day, and walk at least 30 minutes daily. Most vein specialists would advise against any treatments during pregnancy and until at least 6 weeks post-partum because during theses times and immediately after you give birth you will have a higher risk of developing blood clots with any treatments.
KathyLee Santangelo, MD
KathyLee Santangelo, MD
You must wear compression stockings during your pregnancy to prevent any worsening of these veins. Please get your legs evaluated by your vein specialist.