Dentist Questions Dentist

What can you eat after gum grafting?

I am a 37 year old male. I will have the gum grafting procedure done. What can you eat after gum grafting?

4 Answers

Anything you have a taste for, but watch temperatures - nothing too hot or cold. Temperature will not affect the tissue, however, it will be uncomfortable.
Soft diet.
Generally it’s advisable to eat a very soft diet after the surgery (clear soup, mashed potatoes etc), as recovery progresses so can the texture of food. Use caution with spices, carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks (reduces speed of healing), definitely no smoking, vaping or smokeless.
This is a question for the periodontist or dentist who will be doing the procedure - call their office and ask to talk to whomever deals with preparing patients for procedures like this - they should be prepared to guide you in relation to what you can eat and when.