Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

What can you not do after wisdom teeth removal?

I am a 17 year old male and I will have a wisdom tooth extraction. What can you not do after wisdom teeth removal?

3 Answers

Try for at least 24 hours after extraction not to rinse your mouth, spitting, avoid hot drinks and anything that dissolve blood clots formed in the empty tooth socket. Avoid strenuous activity for at least 48 hours. Thank you.
The biggest goal after a wisdom tooth is removed is to avoid what is called a “dry socket”. A blood clot needs to form in the socket left when the tooth is removed. If this blood clot is dislodged, the bone is exposed causing this dry socket. This is an extremely painful problem. So, to avoid this and permit quick and good healing, you must not drink through a straw or forcefully spit out. Make sure you bite on damp gauze changing it every 15 minutes until you think the bleeding is stopped. If you feel like you have extra blood in your mouth, just let it roll out of your mouth into a sink without forceful spitting. Remember that the blood is mixing with your saliva, so it may seem like you have more blood in your mouth than you really do. I would also stick to softer foods for a week. I hope this helps.
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Post operative recommendations after extractions:
1. Do not use a straw. Suction may break down blood clots that help your mouth heal and promotes bleeding and delays hemostasis.
2. Do not rinse your mouth with rinses that contains alcohol, will irritate your soft tissue. Your doctor may recommend rinsing gently with saltwater or Peridex (prescribed mouthrinse antibacterial).
3. Avoid eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that may traumatize your affected tissue/wounds.
4. Do not smoke. Smoking can slow your healing and may provoke a Dry Socket.
5. Avoid high impact activities.
6. Avoid alcohol for the first 3 days. Drinking alcohol can increase the chances of developing a dry socket, alcohol can stop blood clot formation or can dislodge it.