Neurologist Questions Balance Problems

What causes inflammation of the veins and arteries in the head?

I am having strange problems with my balance and with headaches, so my doctor gave me an MRI. She says that the veins and arteries around my brain are inflamed. What can be the cause?

2 Answers

It can be a number of inflammatory conditions, globally named "Vasculitides." You need to see a neurologist for further work up, and to confirm radiological findings. A radiological evaluation is part of a whole to get a final diagnosis.

Steve-Felix Belinga, MD
Any of the systemic inflammatory diseases, for instance lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren's syndrome can cause inflammation in the brain.When the inflammation is specifically in the blood vessels, it is a condition called vasculitis. It can start sporadically, or can be associated with certain diseases, such as Wegener's granulomatosis or Susac's syndrome. It usually takes strong and prolonged anti-inflammatory medications to treat.
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