Ophthalmology | Retina Specialist Questions Subretinal pigmentation

What causes pigmentation of one's subretina?

My doctor said on my last visit that he could see some pigmentation on my subretina. But he didn't mention if it was serious or not. What does this mean?

3 Answers

Pigmentation of the subretina is normal. It is present in a tissue termed the choroid and probably in part serves to absorb stray light which sharpens the image. If there is retinal disturbance or injury, sometimes extra pigment is deposited in response, so this can be a clue to a history of this type of change. Apparently, yours was a benign form and the ophthalmologist who saw this did not think it represented pathology that needed medical or surgical therapy.
There can be a number of things to cause such a finding. You should ask your physician.
Please exclude melanoma.