“What do echocardiograms detect?”
My doctor has scheduled an echocardiogram after I complained about chest tightness. What can these tests usually detect? I'm 35 and male.
3 Answers
Echo is a screen for Heart Function and shape and Valve Function. Does not see the coronary arteries.
An echocardiogram is an excellent test that gives valuable information regarding heart muscle strength (squeeze =EF which is normally 50%-70%). It can assess filling pressure and valvular function and assess for many congenital and structural abnormalities.
Echocardiography, also called an echo test or heart ultrasound, is a test that takes “moving pictures” of the heart with sound waves. It doesn’t hurt.
Echo tests are done by trained sonographers. You’ll lie on a bed on your left side or back, the sonographer will put special jelly on a probe and move it over your chest area, ultra-high-frequency sound waves will pick up images of your heart and valves.
Your heart’s movements can be seen on a video screen, it usually takes one hour and is painless and has no side effects. Sometimes the probe needs to be closer to your heart to give clearer pictures.
Sound waves will pick up images as explained above. What can the test show? The size and shape of your heart, how well your heart is working overall, if a wall or section of heart muscle is weak and not working correctly, If you have problems with your heart’s
Echo tests are done by trained sonographers. You’ll lie on a bed on your left side or back, the sonographer will put special jelly on a probe and move it over your chest area, ultra-high-frequency sound waves will pick up images of your heart and valves.
Your heart’s movements can be seen on a video screen, it usually takes one hour and is painless and has no side effects. Sometimes the probe needs to be closer to your heart to give clearer pictures.
Sound waves will pick up images as explained above. What can the test show? The size and shape of your heart, how well your heart is working overall, if a wall or section of heart muscle is weak and not working correctly, If you have problems with your heart’s