“What does a dentist use to put you to sleep?”
I'm 23, and I'm going to have a wisdom tooth extraction under general anesthesia (my dentist offered local, but I'd rather be knocked out). What does a dentist use to put you to sleep?
4 Answers
Your dentist will probably use a small nasal mask with nitrous oxide gas that you breathe spontaneously. Other dentists use intravenous drugs such as midazolam or ketamine. No dentist office has immediate access to the expertise of an anesthesiologist if airway rescue or rescuscitation is needed unless your dentist has privileges at a hospital that provides those services.
Typically a dentist uses sedation with Demerol and versed and possibly some nitrous oxide. Additionally he/she will perform nerve bocks to those molars being removed. You will be comfortable.
It is hard to be specific what medications dentists use, but usually it is a combination of sedatives, anxiolytics, and hypnotic medication.They have to be certified to use these medication in their office.They also use local anesthetic during the procedure, so you should be good to go.