“What does it mean when my teeth fall out in my dreams?”
I've been having the same dream over and over again. I'm not sure if it has to do with stress or insecurity... or something, but I always have dreams where my teeth fall out. What could this mean?
6 Answers
First, go to the dentist. Then try to apply Narrative Therapy in your daily schedule until you feel that the dreams are reducing.
There’s no one answer for a symbol in a dream. It depends on what it means in your life. Sorry, the so-called "dream translators" are not useful. Imagine asking what the sun means - if you lived in the desert, it might be a sign of death, but if you lived in Seattle, a symbol of hope and joy. You get the point. Perhaps a therapist who knows YOU can help. Clearly, you want to know, and you just keep dreaming it in hopes of getting the message!
Dr. Marian Shapiro
Dr. Marian Shapiro
It usually means you feel defenseless and weak about expressing your feelings and anger in general or in particular. It's your higher self reminding you that you matter.
I believe it may speak to a perceived loss of power and/or being compromised in ego strength, influence, abilities, skills, etc., that foster helplessness and weakness.
Don't worry so much! It may be your subconscious mind which is almost your conscience mind worrying about something.