“What does a shadow on an ultrasound mean?”
I had an ultrasound recently for my liver and it showed a shadow. I'm not sure what it means, and my friend told me that it could actually mean cancer. What does a shadow on an ultrasound indicate?
5 Answers
If the radiologist used that term, it is a poor word choice. Shadowing can occur from calcification that can occur from prior infection and trauma and are most common in the liver. If a mass was described, then an MRI would be recommended to further evaluated.
I hope that helps,
Dr Cox
I hope that helps,
Dr Cox
It generally means the blockage of acoustic ultrasound waves. It’s due to difference in tissue density, bowel gas, metal etc. Please be careful asking for an opinion from someone who is not a radiologist interpreting your test.
Warm regards
Azher Iqbal
Warm regards
Azher Iqbal
This may be a way of communicating an abnormality that needs further work up. Don't be alarmed until you have discussed the findings with your doctor and they may recommend additional tests for clarification. This is not precise terminology that would be used by a radiologist in their report.
A shadow just means that the sound waves were reflected. Many things can cause shadowing, such as calcifications, air and very dense tissue or masses. You need a CT of the abdomen (and pelvis) with and without contrast and with delayed post contrast images (aka triple phase liver study)to best understand what is truly causing the shadowing on ultrasound. MRI may also be helpful for clarification if there is some question after doing the CT. However, CT is the best next step. MR is not better. It’s supplemental if a question remains after CT.
There is a lesion, most are benign, but you need a follow-up CT or MRI to rule out cancer.