Occupational Medicine Questions Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What exercises can I do to avoid carpal tunnel?

My hand cramps up when I'm typing at work, and sometimes the pain is unbearable. I feel like this is the start of carpal tunnel, because my mom has it and experienced similar symptoms. Are there any exercises I can do to prevent it from developing?

2 Answers

Unfortunately, there are no specific exercises which have been shown to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. However, you should take frequent breaks and stretch your fingers out and your forearm muscles - at least once an hour.

Harrison Solomon, M.D.
Exercises do not always help with carpal tunnel syndrome. That being said, if you have symptoms when you are typing at work, you should try taking breaks and doing stretching exercises and tendon and nerve glides. You can look up these exercises online. You may also consider wearing a carpal tunnel splint or soft wrist support while typing. If this does not help, then you should see a hand specialist.
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