“What happens if tennis elbow goes untreated?”
I am a 25 year old male and I have tennis elbow. What happens if tennis elbow goes untreated?
8 Answers
Depends on the severity of the problem. It can resolve, however, if it persists for a few weeks, you need a specialist.
This will lead to chronic tendonitis which later on will lead to calcification of the tendons and will be harder to treat. You may also develop stiffness of the joint as you try not to move it too much and weakness of your wrist and handgrip.
You are not going to lose your arm, but the inflammation in the tendon can became chronic, and interfere with your quality of life and more difficult to be treated later on. Try some modality, ultrasound, intoforesis, buy an elbow brace from any pharmacy, and you should be able to decrease the pain at least 50%.
If you are symptomatic, you can continue to have pain and possibly some loss of activities that you’re normally used to doing. You can develop partial thickness tears in the tendon and even injury to the ligament underneath the tendon overtime.
Tennis elbow doesn’t typically get better on its own. It’s possible to tear the tendon if you continue playing tennis or whatever brought on the tendinitis in the first place. A good hand therapist can help a lot!
If left untreated it will turn into a " chronic" pain which is more difficult to get rid of and possibly cause more problems at the shoulder.
Typically if left untreated, tennis elbow can start affecting your shoulder and your wrist. This is an inflammation that is caused by an imbalance of tight tissues as well as weaker tissues. Seeing a physical therapist will educate you to calm the syndrome down as well as stretch and strengthen the areas around it.