“What happens if you don't use eye drops after cataract surgery?”
I am a 52 year old male and I will have cataract surgery. What happens if you don't use eye drops after cataract surgery?
6 Answers
Drops after cataract surgery are usually prescribed to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. It is important to follow your surgeon's instructions for the post-operative period to prevent any complication.
Without using the appropriate eye drops after cataract surgery, you would be subject to possible infection, inflammation, and permanent vision loss. Follow your doctor's instructions in order to achieve your best results.
You could have loss of vision from swelling in the back of the eye, infection, inflammation, etc.
Frank Cao
Frank Cao
If you don't use eye drops after cataract surgery, your eye will likely be inflamed, and painful, and you may have retinal swelling causing vision loss.
Use the drops!
Use the drops!
You should discuss this with your doctor. In general, when medications are prescribed for a reason, especially after surgery, not using them would be a bad idea. After cataract surgery, you could go blind. Healthcare is a team approach, so it requires you as well as your doctor to do what you are supposed to.
Anjum F. Koreishi, MD
Anjum F. Koreishi, MD