Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

โ€œWhat helps a child's sore throat?โ€

My son is 8 years old and he has a sore throat. What helps a child's sore throat?

2 Answers

Most sore throat cases are caused by viruses. If that is the case I have had the most success from increased fluid intake and rest. Local analgesic therapy with warm liquids, salt water gargles or lemon can also be of benefit. Bacterial cases should be diagnosed by a pediatrician and treated with antibiotics at the discretion of the evaluating provider. Improvement in this cases is usually seen with effective treatment and the same measures mentioned above. Occasional use of Tylenol or Motrin can be of benefit but usually if does not have to be alternated or scheduled for isolated pain control.

L. Curtis Cary, MD, FAAP, FACP, MRCP (London)
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program
Affiliated Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga
Office Phone: (423) 778 โ€“ 6634
Cell Phone: (859) 948 - 4871

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You can mix 1/2 maalox liquid and 1/2 benadryl liquid and give 2 tsp of mixture every 4-6 hours to help throat pain. If there is fever and rash he will need to be checked for strep. Reflux can also cause recurrent sore throat avoid spicy foods and overeating at one time. Prop head up at night. Also nasal allergies with drainage can keep the throat sore. OTC nasal spray can help with this. If symptoms persist he will need to be checked.
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